The project is needed because digital literacy is one of the key pre-requisites of a successful transformation to an information society and a knowledge-based economy-the competence of the general public to use modern information and communication technologies. The existing difficulties of approach and use of e-learning within institutions and firms, also due to the lack of information about a new deal of learning and educational methodologies. The project will aim to research, investigate, and experiment with innovative approaches will give information and digital literacy in collaboration with subject specialists. In particular, it will research the new teaching methods and trategies to teach information and digital literacy using such tools as web-based learning, online instruction, and multimedia delivery. This project will aim to disseminate the results and the experience of the consortium LEMAIA. The target groups are: individual beneficiaries are trainers, teachers, human resource managers, tutors and coaches (practitioners) and e-learning users (learners); the institutional target groups include: rainers/teachers associations, public administrations, universities and research centers, firms, social bodies and local/national/EU authorities. The main aim is "to create a community of teachers developing learning objects across Europe, so they can exchange them" giving them information tools, learning support and VALORISATION. Moreover specific groups of users will be directly involved, thanks to the portal and the test phase and the institutions will be able to use material for e-learning diffusion. Approach: Several tools and methods will be used, in order to identify and involve institutional organisations and key actors to co-operate and use the project products and results. The project co-ordinator,C.N.R., which is already running a web learning project (Web-learning http://www.web-learning.org/ will involve any kind of promotion and media to raise the interest of the target group at local and international level, in order to ensure participation at the highest possible levels.
Co-ordinating organisation:
Italian Research National Council - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) Ufficio Programmi di Formazione Cofinanziati Co-beneficiary organisations: SEDIIN SpA (IT),Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica (IT), All Web Solution SA (EL), Fundacion de la Universidad del La Rioja (ES), Centre for Social Innovation (AT), KADIS (SI)